Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bio Electric System | Part -1

IMPORTANT: These are some of my views and research findings. Time may prove them right or wrong. Some of it may seem very unorthodox. I put it up here so that it may be useful for some and interesting to others and may some day benefit mankind.

Life energy as I see it:

Life energy I believe is a charge much like energy in a battery. The very essence of our body and every other living organism is electric in nature. This is the same reason that most of the equipment used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat us rely on electric charge of our body. ECG, EEG, pace makers and physio therapy equipment are examples from a huge list.

Homeostasis as we know is the body's nature to stabilize itself to an optimum state. When there is a depletion of energy in the body, it tries to balance itself by taking energy from the store, in our case mostly 'fat' cells. Every living organism has its means of storing excess energy for emergencies and day today activities. The depleted storage is topped up processing the food we eat. The bigger life forms much like the humans and other animals are multicellular where as there are microscopic ones that are unicellular.

What ever the  size of the organism from a single cell to a collection of cells most of the communication and energy transfer happens as an electric charge. Our entire nervous system works on electric charge being transmitted across the system. It is a bio chemical reaction that produces the energy and then transmits and uses it. So much like a generator and battery, the living being has the ability to produce and store energy that can be converted to the electric potential as and when required and in the required quantity.

Let us consider homeostasis again. When there is a change in the system, the system tries to neutralize the change and bring it to say, a base state ,a state of comfort so to speak. Here is the interesting part, this is what happens in a battery too. A healthy battery much like the human body, likes to maintain its healthy state.

Looking at the battery from the human bodies point of view:

I found it interesting to look at it this way. The battery like the human body discharges its energy to do useful work.When there is a drop in energy and the battery uses its stored energy to meet the demand. When it gets depleted, it takes external charge to replenish itself much like the food we eat.

So if there is a means of taping the energy stored in a living organism and then to give it enough energy to replenish itself as and when required, we have a wonderful organic system supplying us electric power......


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